Supporting Duxbury Schools

Hello! The purpose of this site is to share school-related information with Duxbury residents, and to give my personal perspective as a taxpayer and individual school committee member. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not reflect the official policies, positions, or endorsements of the Duxbury School Committee. For official information about Duxbury Public Schools and the Duxbury School Committee, please visit Thank you!

Office Hours

A vital part of my job is to listen. Your feedback helps guide my thinking as I consider important questions at School Committee meetings. If you would like to meet and share your thoughts, simply hop on my calendar and choose a time slot that works for you. Look forward to chatting!


I cannot think of any position in town government more important than supporting the academic achievement of our students. If you would like to get regular updates on my priorities as a Duxbury School Committee member, please join my email list.